MoverAlerts Blog

To Market or not to Market – that is the question!

Written by Sue Schonberger | Jan 14, 2021 10:02:40 AM

In busy times, when all your staff are rushed off their feet, the temptation is to look to cut out administration tasks and not to pay out on something that you perceive is not necessary at that time.

One of the most obvious things to go is marketing, often justified by saying that you don’t need extra work at that time or your staff can’t cope with any more enquiries.

The last 6 months have seen unprecedented levels of enquiries and house moves and therefore removal companies cutting back on marketing activity.

Whilst this is understandable, busy times are exactly when you should be marketing your services.

Marketing is never designed to have instant results and particularly in the house moving sector – with timescales between sale and move averaging around 18 weeks nationally, what you are canvassing for are moves that will be taking place in 4-5 months time. Lack of marketing activity now could result in a very quiet April and May.

Taking the long term view is essential to maintaining profitability and avoiding the feast/famine situation.

To discuss your marketing to home movers, get in touch with me today – / 01908 829497